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I read the poems and teared up several times.  The life of a fireman is danger and yet you and others like you choose to do it.  We are blessed.  My biggest fear has always been fires.  We can't control fires.  Almost any other way, you have a fighting chance, but with fires...only because of the men who fight them, do the victims have a chance.  It takes special people to do this... and proud to know you are one of them.  Of course, I knew you were special...but not like this.  Anyway, just wanted to say I'm proud of you Lee.
Take care.  Be safe.  And say that prayer over you for safety every time.  God listens.
There is a movie they play every Christmas -- John Christmas --.  It's about a fireman who helped save several kids and some adults at a fire at an elementary school...but because of so many who weren't saved, and the firemen who lost their lives, he kind of couldn't take all the attention they gave him as a hero and he left his mom and little sister.  The movie is about 20 years later and theirs a reporter doing a story for something and gets tied up in the life of John Christmas by accident (haha - nothing is accidental), anyway, the firemen slips into town to pay back old financial debts but doesn't want to be seen cause he doesn't want all the houpla to start back up.  Anyway, the fireman still doesn't believe he did anything special since so many did die...but that reporter turns out to be the last kid he saved, going back, after his chief said no more can go in, it's too unsafe, he did anyway and saved the young boy...and because of that the young boy is a man with a daughter of his own, alive because of him.. so he tells John Christmas he IS a hero whether he likes it or not...cause he is the man's hero.
anyway, reading the poems it shows how true to life that story really was.
God bless you...and all around the world who do this.